I Don’t Do Cheap Music – Nicholas Omane Acheampong

The 38-year-old musician told Showbiz last Thursday that ‘as an accomplished gospel singer and child of God, I don’t do cheap music. My songs are thought -provoking. One must think deep to understand my music and it is because I do a lot of research before coming out with a song.
‘I do not put in a lot of money to promote my music because I do good songs. You see, Ghanaians always want to hear you sing the ‘normal’ gospel music but I am unique and that is why my songs are also unique.
Also, I don’t just wake up one day and choose the titles for my songs. I do a lot of research and wait upon God to give me the direction. You don’t need a Master’s degree to come out with such titles but when the spirit of God is upon you, you will always do great music,’ Nicholas pointed out.
Talking about his equally intriguing video clips, Nicholas said ‘most people describe my videos as out of the ordinary because of the costumes and props I use. I always try to explain my songs to the ordinary viewer through my videos.
‘I cannot dress in modern clothes when I am talking about Moses in my songs. I should dress like Moses and carry a staff like he did because I want to tell a story of what happened during his days. It would be inappropriate to wear a suit to convey the message I want to put across.
His latest album is Mahashala Hashbaz. According to Nicholas, it means ‘the enemy will be destroyed.’ Nicholas said he had a message in a dream to read Isiah 8. When he woke up, he prayed about the dream and read the Bible.
‘I came across the name Mahashala Hashbaz after reading Issiah 8 and decided to adopt it as the title of my new album. I consulted my spiritual father, Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi of Glorious Wave Church International about the dream and he encouraged me to do the song,’ he revealed.
By Kofi Duah/Graphic
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